As a candidate for District 88, my focus is on addressing the challenges of rising costs and crime in our community.
The increasing prices of basic necessities affect families and individuals in Lexington and West Columbia, draining money from their pockets. It creates strife in our community and, in turn, harms local businesses. We can create incentives and opportunities to alleviate the financial strain on households while combating rising prices and inflation. These measures will not involve federal-style handouts that contribute to inflation but rather aim to support local businesses and provide short-term relief to households.
The surge in crime is a serious concern for our district. To address this, we must take a dual approach: implementing tougher sentences with no bond options for violent offenders and addressing the root causes of crime, violence, and chemical dependency. I advocate for a zero-tolerance policy for fentanyl crimes and drug trafficking to ensure the safety of our community.
I am pro-life and committed to reducing government spending while increasing investments in the education of our children. This includes supporting a more
equitable education system in South Carolina through school choice and
scholarships. I stand for parents' rights to transparency and choice in their
children's education.
Our healthcare system requires reform, focusing on increased competition,
reduced costs, and improved access and delivery of care to patients.
Healthcare access for children in our most needy communities and our veterans
is vital. We can and should do better for everyone.
While I affirm the constitutional right of law-abiding citizens to carry firearms, I
believe existing felons should face the strictest penalties if caught in possession
of a firearm. Strengthening gun penalties in these scenarios is crucial to protecting
our community and the rights of law-abiding citizens.
To break the cycle of crime, mental health issues, and addiction, we cannot brush over
the people here in our community who need help. We can increase access to emergency assistance before situations spiral and build up our community by creating more job opportunities. This involves actively recruiting employers to bring high-paying jobs to
our community. I want to stand up for my community and deliver more opportunities.
Addressing these issues comprehensively means we are building a safer, stronger, and more prosperous District 88.